For sandwich panels

For sandwich panels


TLU-ML SERIES: Corona Treatments for Sheet Metal Sandwich Panels

One-side corona treatment systems for increasing the wettability of continuous metal sheets for sandwich panels.
Each system consists of a one-side TLU-ML discharge unit, a GET electronic power generator, and an ozone extraction system.
The discharge station is equipped with a special support base to be fixed to both the ground and the system, with passlines based on the customer’s specifications.
The discharge station is designed to simplify all the most common use and maintenance operations: material insertion and air-gap calibration, and electrode cleaning.

Electrode Bar:
Ceramic electrode with a large discharge surface and a custom design that aids cooling and ensures a long service life.
• Segregated in protective boxes with pneumatic opening-closing mechanisms for easy material insertion.
• Electrode box with pneumatic “flotation” system to automatically adapt the air-gap between the electrode and the counter electrode to the incoming material.

“Junction” Contact:
• For external “Junction” control, in order to allow the controlled opening of the electrode box in the case of material joints.

Ozone suction system:
• Designed to keep the discharge electrodes well cooled and very clean.

Safety, sensors, and signals:
•The emergency stops, mobile guards, and electrode boxes are monitored by dual channel safety switches.
Dedicated sensors for controlling the rotation of the treatment rollers and the extraction flow.
• Signals: Acoustic buzzer, 3-colour light column.

Main construction materials:
• Stainless steel and aluminium.


Application Lines for sandwich panels
Materials Continuous sheet metal
Sides 1 (top or bottom)
Range 1200 or 1300 standard
Electrode Bars 1, Ceramic, non-sectional
Gauge rollers 2 intake + 2 outlet, treated steel